How to Pray When Under Spiritual Attack Shield Your Faith

How to Pray When Under Spiritual Attack: Shield Your Faith

How to Pray When Under Spiritual Attack: Shield Your Faith


Life is full of challenges. All of us are aware of physical world challenges. But as you face problems, hurdles, and challenges in the physical world, in the same way, these dilemmas are also part of the spiritual journey. We humans face different kinds of ups and downs that are a test for believers. While facing these multifaceted obstacles and adversities, the spiritual state of a believer is affected. The only cure for these spiritual trials is prayer, which can help you find solace. Here you must know how to pray when under spiritual attack.

People often think that temporary accomplishments and worldly achievements like money, entertainment, luxuries, and possessions are sources of peace and satisfaction, but the reality is the opposite. These things can give us happiness for a very brief period. These temporary sources of satisfaction are unable to satisfy us in our spiritual warfare. When we are at the edge of facing inner turmoil and facing negative energies, only prayers and seeking help from our only Creator can help us to win this battle. Islam gives us a complete art of prayer that acts as a weapon of defense and resilience in spiritual attacks.

What is a Spiritual Attack?

Every believer faces turbulence in their spiritual state in the form of spiritual attacks. These attacks are in the form of stress, anxiety, fear, financial or emotional crisis, or in the form of any unease either in the form of unease. Spiritual attacks are tests by Allah Almighty, and these are in the form of facing negative energies, evil spirits, or inner struggles. Troubles and tribulations are a form of tests by the Lord to strengthen the faith of believers and to connect them to Himself. These dilemmas in life increase the faith and reliance on the Allah Almighty.

Importance of Prayer in Islam:

Prayer is an important component of Islam and holds important significance in the life of a believer. It is like a string connecting the believer to his Creator. At one end, there is the Lord, and on the other end, his beloved servant telling and sharing his every problem with his most merciful God, who is all ears to listen to everything from his servant. He wants his servant to accept him and share everything, every up and down with him. Prayer is not just a source of communication where Muslims find guidance, forgiveness, HVAC components, and forgiveness. But prayer is a fort that gives believers refuge against every throwback of their life, including the devilish spiritual attacks in the form of distress and adversity.

Seeking Guidance from the Holy Quran:

The Quran is full of lessons and stories of people who went through the hardest test of their faith, and they never gave up. They face those setbacks with unshakeable faith in Allah Almighty and never lose hope. The Quran tells us stories of great people who passed the hardest tests of their time and never stopped praying and submitting to Allah Almighty, even in impossible conditions. Sacred Verses of the Holy Quran promise unfailing support and protection by the Lord for Believers who never stop praying and submitting to Him.

The Quran Addresses the message of the Creator in these words.

“Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness, He will lead them forth into light.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:257)

While you raise your hand to seek help in any adversity, whether it’s of a small magnitude or larger than your life, always try to synchronize your supplication with trust, faith, and reliance on the Creator of this Universe. Your prayers will be answered, have faith.

“When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I respond to the prayer of every supplicant when he calleth on Me.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:186)

Seeking Guidance Hadith:

Share everything, every insecurity, every weakness, every wish, every hurdle or problem that is bothering you. Share with sincerity, wholeheartedly with all of your faith; your every whisper is being heard as he is All-Hearing, All-Seeing, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. He waits when his servant calls Him for help.

Our beloved last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sallā-llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam) صلیٰ اللہ علیہ وسلم, used to seek help from Allah Almighty every setback and spiritual strife. He used to increase his supplication and submission to Allah Almighty many folds in case of hurdles, troubles, and challenges.

“Whenever the Prophet (peace be upon him) was afflicted with worry, he used to stand up in prayer and supplicate.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

So, believers in any difficult situation and spiritual attack have faith and ask Allah for Help and find refuge in prayers, supplications, and His remembrance. Sandwich Panels, He will make the impossible possible.

How to Find Help From Prayer in Spiritual Attacks?

Seeking Refuge in Allah:

When Muslims face spiritual attacks in the form of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, or any other adversity, they begin by finding refuge in Allah Almighty. This increases their faith and trust in Allah and gives them the courage to fight against these spiritual attacks with courage and assurance. As Allah is at their side, helping and comforting them.

Reciting Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas:

Surah Falak and Surah An Nas were revealed as a gift for Beloved Muhammad (sallā-llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam) صلیٰ اللہ علیہ وسلم and his Ummah (followers) as a gift as protection against evil and negativity. This protects as a shield and as a fortress from spiritual harm and devilish attacks.

Dua for Protection from Evil:

Make dua for protection against evil influence. Man cannot fight against evil without seeking help from Allah against his spiritual attacks. As evil is like the blood flowing in your blood, attacking you from every side. So, keep making heart-felt supplications and prayers for safeguarding you from devilish wickedness.

Don’t Rush, Be Consistent in Prayer:

Some people, especially youth, run short of patience and rush for acceptance of their prayer. If prayer is not accepted, they lose hope and faith in Allah. Allah is so merciful; always think good of him. If there is a delay, there must be some goodness in it beyond your expectations. Nature is planning and setting something bigger for you. So be consistent, keep asking him, and keep praying for Him.

Strengthening Faith Through Adversity:

Adversities, setbacks, challenges, and troubles are a source of strengthening your faith, connection, and reliance on Allah. These trials serve as tests of character, fostering growth and resilience in the face of adversity.

Power Of Dua in Islam:

In times of spiritual distress, turning to dua provides solace and reassurance, reaffirming one’s trust in Allah’s divine wisdom. Dua, prayer or supplication, holds immense significance spirituality in islam as a means of invoking Allah’s mercy, guidance, and protection. Through dua, believers express their deepest desires and concerns to Allah, seeking His benevolence and assistance.  

Trust in Allah’s Plan & Be Patient:

Keep in mind while praying to Allah do not dare to give deadlines to Allah that he should accept your dua right now. Keep asking him whatever you like. But have faith and trust in him. If he accepts your supplications immediately, be grateful to him. If he is not accepting it immediately, be happy and have faith; he must have a better plan for you beyond your expectations and demands.

Wrapping up How to Pray When Under Spiritual Attack:

Spiritual attacks, challenges, and adversities in the life of a believer are a source of making and strengthening his relationship with his Most Merciful Creator Allah Almighty. Prayer is a source of connection between the believer and his Lord, giving immense tranquillity and solace in times of obstructions and barriers. So, don’t worry; consider these dilemmas as a blessing, and keep praying from the Greatest Lord.


  • How do you fight a spiritual attack?

The best way to fight against a spiritual attack is by seeking help from Allah, by praying, reciting the holy Quran, Ayat ul Qursi, the last two ayat of surah Al Baqrah, and 4 Qul.

  • How do you pray for protection from evil?

You can pray for protection from evil in this way. In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, I seek refuge in Him from the evils of Shaytan and his temptations. Grant me strength, O Allah, to resist all that may lead me astray and protect me from the harm of those who wish me ill. Guide me on the path of righteousness and envelop me in Your divine protection. Ameen.

  • How do you pray to God during difficult times?

O Allah, in this moment of difficulty and trial, I turn to You with a heart heavy with burdens. Grant me patience to endure and wisdom to navigate through these challenges. Illuminate my path with Your guidance and shower upon me Your mercy and blessings. Ameen.

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