Spirituality in Islam Nurturing the Soul Through Islamic Wisdom

Spirituality in Islam: Nurturing the Soul Through Islamic Wisdom

Spirituality in Islam: Nurturing the Soul Through Islamic Wisdom


Spirituality! What is spirituality in Islam? Is spirituality in Islam the same as in other religions? These are some common questions that come into the mind of every spirituality student either Muslim or non-Muslim. Spirituality is a state of the human condition in which a person does not look at worldly things but puts everything; either he finds something or loses it. There are different categories of people on this planet; some people have all of their attention on this temporary world, some have complete attention to life hereafter, and some have both tendencies. The people who rise above these temporary material things, appearances, and worldly desires are regarded as spiritual or godly.


In this article, we will cover different aspects of spirituality in Islam, we will figure out how we can boost our spiritual state and find heart solace, clarity of mind, and purpose of our creation with boundless divine love.

What is spirituality in Islam?

People have been seeking spirituality in different ways for the past several hundred years, such as mysticism. But what happened always, they always found heart-based spirituality. They thought that everything was located in the heart. The heart is the source of everything and we should focus on the heart to find spirituality.

 Heart-based spirituality has been famous around the world. But it has had no benefit. Because the heart does not have anything in connection with spirituality. In the age of science, the heart was discovered simply as a pumping organ. It helps in the circulation of blood and nothing else. The heart has no thinking or feeling, as the mind has. Heart-based spirituality gave nothing to the world except ecstasy, which is of no value.

The Quran speaks of Tadabbur. The Holy Quran is revealed so that the people do Tadabbur. Tadabbur means contemplation, thinking, and reflection. In other words, the Quran talks about mind-based spirituality. According to Islamic spirituality, you can gain spiritual food by thinking and reflecting. Spiritual food comes through thinking, not focusing on the heart. We have a point of reference in the form of the Quran. The Quran saves us from great misfortune. People were searching for spirituality in the heart and got nothing.

 There are many words in the Quran tawassum, tazakkur, tadabbur and tafakkur. And all of these means to think and reflect. The Quran tells us that your mind has an unlimited capacity for thinking. Your mind has an intellectual universe within it. You have to utilize and unfold it.

Spiritual Food:

So, study and reflect on the Quran, human history, prophetic sayings, and the universe. Science has made a partial utilization of this. By reflecting on nature, they developed an entire discipline. If you increase your aim, your contemplation and reflection will give you spiritual food.

The source of spiritual food is contemplation, not meditation. Islam does not believe in meditation-based spirituality. Islam does not believe in meditation-based spirituality. Islam believes in contemplation-based spirituality.

How is Your Spiritual State?

There are many ways you can find out your spiritual state. Find out where your heart and soul find peace and enjoy being there if you have spiritual diseases, jealousy, anger, envy, hatred, or a love for sin. It is something very dangerous and a sign of spiritual disease. If you are not going to fight your Nafs, you are not going to get anywhere. 

If you are sinning and find happiness in it, it means that your heart is diseased. It would help if you tackled it by powerfully controlling yourself against these sins. If we do not treat our sins, it is like a spiritual heart attack, clogged up. And we do not want to treat ourselves with a spiritual stance. But on the other hand, if we are physically sick, we go to many hospitals and doctors to find out how we can improve ourselves, and how we can cure it.

But What about the spiritual heart that we are talking about, it is going to take you to eternity and has more importance than our physical heart. May Allah Almighty help us. Those who sin without even hesitation to find their happiness, may Allah Almighty give us enough strength to fight about it.

My brothers and sister make dua to the almighty and ask him to make a barrier between you and the sin. O Allah let Halal be sufficient for me such that I never end into Haram. And got me independent from you, so that I never need to depend on anyone else.

How is Islamic spirituality unique?

Islamic spirituality stands out for its unique approach to inner fulfillment and connection with the Divine. Islamic spirituality is unique in several ways:

1. Emphasis on Mindful Reflection:

Unlike some other traditions that focus on heart-based mysticism, Islamic spirituality emphasizes contemplation and reflection, as encouraged by the Quran. Islamic spirituality invites humans to research, reflect, and find the facts and truths hidden in the creation of the universe.

2. Integration of Faith and Action: 

Islamic spirituality stresses the importance of aligning beliefs with ethical conduct, emphasizing the embodiment of virtues in daily actions. Islamic spirituality connects with everyday behaviors and deeds.

3. Struggle Against the Self: 

Known as “Jihad al-Nafs,” Islamic spirituality entails an internal struggle against one’s ego, desires, and temptations to achieve spiritual purification and growth.

4. Divine Remembrance and Connection: 

The Quran emphasizes the significance of remembering Allah for inner peace and spiritual fulfillment, fostering a deep connection with the Divine.

5. Concept of Tawheed:

Tawheed is the base of Islamic Spirituality. Islamic spirituality revolves around the concept of Tawheed, the belief in the oneness of Allah, which serves as the foundation for spiritual growth and submission to divine will.

Wrapping up Spirituality in Islam:

In conclusion, Islamic spirituality stands out for its emphasis on mindful reflection and contemplation rather than heart-based mysticism. The Quran guides believers towards spiritual fulfillment through deep thought and remembrance of Allah. Understanding one’s spiritual state involves recognizing and combating spiritual diseases like envy and sin.

Islamic spirituality uniquely calls for a disciplined struggle against the self, known as “Jihad al-Nafs,” to attain purification and closeness to the Divine. Ultimately, the journey toward spiritual growth in Islam is marked by unwavering faith, ethical conduct, conscious liberation, and the embodiment of virtuous actions.

Albaik Menu (منيو البيك)

  • What does the Quran say about Spirituality?

The Quran emphasizes the importance of spiritual connection, stating,


“Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (Quran 13:28).

 The Quran encourages mindfulness and reflection, asserting,


 “So, remember Me; I will remember you” (Quran 2:152).

 Furthermore, the Holy Quran highlights the significance of inner spirituality in the form of purity, declaring,


 “Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves” (Quran 2:222).
  • What are the stages of spirituality in Islam?

In Islam, spiritual evolution consists of four pivotal stages: first, unwavering certainty in faith. Second, unwavering ethical conduct covers every aspect of life’s behaviors. Third, the disciplined liberation of the conscious mind. Finally, the embodiment of the highest virtues in every moment’s action.

  • Does Islam believe in soul and spirit?

In Islamic scripture, the Holy Quran, in the books of hadith, both of the terminologies, the soul and spirit, are used interchangeably. So, Islam believes both soul and spirit are the same.

  • What is the spiritual struggle in Islam?

The spiritual struggle in Islam, known as “Jihad al-Nafs” or the “Struggle against the Self,” involves the internal battle against one’s ego, desires, and temptations to achieve purification and spiritual growth. Believers choose this struggle in order to achieve greater closeness to Allah and live following Islamic teachings.

  • What is spiritual practice in Islam?

Salah (prayer) is the most important spiritual practice in Islam. This prayer connects Muslims 5 times a day with their creator. This is fair, and you can not skip it in any condition. Besides this, there are many acts of goodness you can build a strong spiritual connection with the lord, like dhikr, Hajj, charity, and helping your family, friends, neighbors, all human beings, and even animals.

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